Saturday, August 29, 2009

Now She's Seven Months Old - Growing So Fast!

Every day is an adventure with Julia and the time is whipping by so fast; it seems like yesterday when she turned six months and now all of the sudden it's seven. Since last we wrote, she has gotten taller, heavier and more expressive. She also can now not only roll back to front, but front to back and is scooting all over the place - next step is purposeful rolling and getting up on her hands and knees; she does one end and the other at different times, but we're anticipating the coordination of both really soon!
She definitely loves to laugh and we love to hear it! The video is a sample of just SOME of the amused (and amusing) sounds she makes - the one variation that is missing is the "pterodactyl" noise she makes by taking in air and making a noise at the same time - very funny and very cute; I'll try to get it, but she can be an elusive little beast when she sees the camera . . .
More photos have also been added, including the gratuitous naked baby photo. As you will see, she is now fully into cereal, but not so into sweet potatoes (didn't get that reaction, but it truly was a Kodak moment).