Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Year Old - Birthday, Checkup and Party!

Julia hit the big YEAR ONE on January 28th . . . believe me, I was remembering what was going on one year ago - on our way to the hospital at 3 in the morning during an ice storm! Fun times. But seriously, the year has gone by so fast; it seems like only yesterday and yet she's grown and learned so much in that amount of time. It's been a wonderful time for us (and hopefully her as well)!
The birthday proper was on a school night (ok, work night - geez, picky), so the festivities were low key. Steven had to work late that night, but Kennedy and I spent the late afternoon picking Julia up early from daycare, where she had a great day and shared her birthday treat with those who could share - mini Nilla Wafers (awesome stuff!), then made cupcakes and pizza. Pizza is a food item that Julia mooches from us, so we figured, why not? Somewhere on the site, you will see that she was enjoying it (actually, she was sucking on it, but she got some in there, I guess). Cupcake was a new venture. I can't say that it went over well, which had me a bit nervous about her birthday party. She would have rather had her Nilla Wafers. I didn't think my cooking was that bad! He he
The next day was a trip to the ol' doctors for the one year check up. Boy, what a day . . . five shots!!! Julia was not especially happy about the shots and neither was I, seeing as how she was staring at me the whole time with this "why?" look on her face as she squalled. But, while she was busy screaming and I was trying to hold her down and comfort her at the same time (awkward) I noticed she had sprouted another tooth - a cuspid! The five shots were a combo of seven inoculations, including her second H1N1 and the seasonal flu. She is still sporting the teeny holes and bruises from where they went in - I feel so bad. Size-wise, Julia is 29 inches long (50% percentile) but is only 17.7 pounds (5% percentile); she had lost a little weight over the last few weeks with the most recent virus she'd caught - it seemed to take away her appetite (Steven had it, too, and he wasn't much into eating, either). Overall, the doctor was not concerned; developmentally, she is doing great, so he said to ramp up the table food and we'll see where she is in the 15th month. Right now she's into pointing (a lot) and can point to things that she's really interested in when we ask (or when she's in the mood - at the very least, she'll look at what we're asking about); she will point to the clock, the fan, the light, and maybe mommy, daddy and sissy, if the mood strikes; she is very, very close to saying her first word - we thin kit will be clock.
Julia's birthday party was today - it was a day brought to you by the letters C and H put together. Hee hee She loves her Cookie Monster stuffed toy, so we had a little fun with that - couldn't find Cookie Monster stuff by itself, so instead we had food that she likes and thematically around the letters' "CH" - Cheesy Poofs (Cheetos), which are her favorite, chips, chili and cheesecake. In attendance were Steven, Kennedy and I (of course), her gramps and nana, uncle Eric, aunts Kim, Renee and Deidre, and cousins Andrew and Nathan. My parents were in attendance via Skype, which Julia thought was the bees' knees (mostly because she likes to play with daddy's computer). Everyone seemed to have a good time, most importantly the birthday girl, who scored clothes and toys, cheesy poofs whenever she pointed to them, and seemed to thoroughly like her cheesecake (YAY!). She is now tired but very hyped up on the attention, the sugar, and the iced tea she drank. We are hopeful that she goes down at a decent hour tonight!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Today is Julia's first birthday! It was pretty much a day like most others: get up, go to school, etc., but today mommy and Sissy picked her up early from school and made cupcakes and pizza for her birthday (for the record, cupcakes were new and not received overly well, but pizza is something she mooches from us all the time, so it only made sense to have it on her birthday!).
Tomorrow, Julia goes in for her one year checkup and her birthday party with family is on Sunday, so please stay tuned for more info and PICTURES!!!!