Julia continues to amaze with her bright blue eyes and super smile. It is fun to watch her develop on a daily basis. Right now, her favorite thing in the world is to sing "Itsy, Bitsy, Spider," which she sings - well- incessantly. When she is not signing the song, she will often blurt out profound observations, like "Out comes the sun!" or "Down comes the rain!" it is actually fun and very cute. Here is a video I took this evening of her singing. Hope you enjoy it!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A quick Update
We have been rather neglectful of you, our friends. It has been almost six months since we have posted anything on our blog. Needless to say, Julia continues to grow and to amaze. She has developed a very sweet disposition, which endears her to all she meets; yet, she is also very shy. Often we arrive to get her from daycare only to find her away from the other children, or events find her quiet and clinging to daddy like mad. But, she is a good girl. Julia is developing very quickly. Her vocabulary expands each day, and we see the wheels a turnin'. She is a smart one! Her big thing is to get on a chair and shout, "comin' on down," when she wants us to help her. She is also into trains, whether watching them on the i-Pad, or playing with toy train we got her. I am sure we'll have more soon. Until then, know we are growing and doing well!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Julia is TWO!
How time has flown! And now Julia is two years old! It seems like yesterday . . .
So, you may be asking - What is Julia doing now? She can count (it depends on the day how far she wants to go, but we know she can go to at least ten), she k
Julia's birthday was pretty low-key - it had been a really hectic week for everyone, so the actual day was family time and going out to Red Robin - this is one of the few restaurants where we can actually get her to eat something substantial, so it was the logical choice; besides, the burgers are awesome :-) Saturday was her party, which was a pretty good time, as far a the guests were concerned,
So, that's the update for January and photos from her 2nd birthday - stay tuned for more from our toddler! She's growing faster that we know how to comprehend!
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