Saturday, January 31, 2009


I'm writing this from Wendy's hospital room at camp Riverside. It is about 9:00pm on Saturday, Jan 31, and we are still here. We were supposed to have gone home yesterday, but Wendy's blood count was still dropping. So, we were given one extra day. We thought we would be home for sure today. However, a 7:00am visit from our OB changed all that. Wendy's bloodcount took another drop. The doctor told us we'd be here for another day. She also ordered an ultrasound to see what, if anything, was happening. Plus, the doctor went ahead and ordered a blood transfusion, as the count was so low. The ultrasound informed us only that there were no "significant issues," which is good - no surgery needed; Wendy is just healing slowly. The transfusion took about four hours, and Wendy now looks and feels better. They took a blood count this evening, will compare it to one they will take tomorrow, and, if things Look stable, we will finally go home. But, as of now, it is an unhappy Saturday for my girls.

As to baby Julia, she is getting prettier everyday, and has become quite the cuddlebug. I do love her so.

Those who keep asking for photos, please be patient. As soon as I get to a real computer, I will upload a few. Until then... Grace & Peace to you all.

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