Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well, I must apologize for both myself and Wendy. We have been so busy that we've not been keeping everyone updated with the goings on. Of course, we're home now.

In my last post, I talked about being stuck in the hospital and the need to give Wendy two units of blood. All went well, and we were able to come home the next day, Sunday. Since then, it's been diapers, sleepless nights, and lots and lots of cuddling. I have loved every moment of it!

Julia was born "tongue-tied," which is a real condition, not just what happens when you do not know what to say. The medical term for the condition is "ankyloglossia." It results when the frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth) is too short and tight, causing the movement of the tongue to be restricted. To avoid breastfeeding issues and the potential for a speech impediment, the frenulum had to be cut. We had it done when Julia was just 5 days old. She was a trooper.

Other than that, our little girl is perfect!

Wendy is doing well, too. Her blood count is on the rise. Despite wearing out easily (which i am sure all new mothers do), she has been great.

I'm sure we'll have more for you soon. Until then, we just wanted to let you know that we're doing great! Grace and Peace!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Renee sent me here to admire your beautiful daughter, Julia. (My hubby and I used to work with Renee in Columbus until the job moved us to TX. We miss her.)

Also, we just had our first child, a daughter, named Evelyn Grace. (The similarities don't stop there.)

Anyhoo, I just wanted to congratulate you both and send a loving welcome to the world message to Julia from down south. You may not believe this now, but you will stop freaking out about every little thing and start to roll with her tempo. (At least, we did... finally. So much easier.)

You can see pix of our Grace on our blog:

Michele said...

Hi you all! I'm just catching up with the blog and saw the bit about Julia being tongue-tied. My brother was born tongue-tied, too, and I was born with my tear ducts closed. They had to open them to keep tears from just running down my face--although I'm still a waterworks in sad movies. Glad to hear you're all doing so well!