Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Five Months Old!

Ok, we're a few days late here, but bear with us - Sunday was such a cool day it just had to be savored - the weather was great, we went to the park and experienced nature, and just enjoyed ourselves. As it turned out, Julia's five month birthday coincided with our anniversary weekend (Steven and I celebrated three years of marriage on the 25th!!) so a lot of our time was celebrating our time together as a couple and as a family with Kennedy, too!

At five months, Julia is rolling over quite adeptly (although she is still working on front to back), working on that lower right tooth, and laughing. She has also made peace with the "baby in the mirror", who until recently, was a threat; she now seems to understand that SHE is the baby in the mirror and flirts with herself. Speaking of flirting, she is quite good at that, too, acting all shy and sweet when she sees someone she likes (daddy, for instance, who she has wrapped around her pinkie). In other news, she is trying cereal, but I can't say she's a big fan of just yet . . .

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