Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nine Months and Super Milestones!!

Apologies for the delay - I had only planned to wait a few days after Julia's 9-month birthday to include data from her check-up and that turned into a week! But what an eventful week!!

Vital Statistics
- Julia weighs in at 16 pounds 14 ounces and is 27 inches long. The physician's assistant called her a "peanut", but she is growing normally, even if she is a bit small.

New Tricks
- These started the day after her checkup . . .
  • On November 3rd, Julia officially crawled! She has been toying with it for the past several days, but finally took more than one "step" forward and now, after a few days, is very confidently moving across the floor (and into places she's not allowed, therefore getting into trouble)
  • Then, on November 4th, she was hanging out in her crib for a moment and . . .pulled herself up into a stand! Now, she is pulling herself up using the couch, coffee table, Nordic Track (don't ask), and anything else she can find. She is also already doing one-handed stands (meaning that she is cockily letting go with one hand and turning her body around to look at things)
  • Although not really a new trick, Julia is so well behaved in restaurants that she's sitting very well in the high chairs they have and amusing herself during dinner. We'd been reluctant to use the chairs before because they seemed so easy to slip out of (especially as little as she is) - well, why were we worried? She sits like a pro and proceeds to throw bread bits on the floor. At least the staff makes over her and we do clean up after ourselves, so no one has complained so far.
  • Holding the bottle herself - not perfectly, mind you (as evidenced by the photo above), but she likes to do it herself (even if the carpet does get quite damp).

Julia is growing more hair, but still no teeth. She has a devilish side to her (hmmmm - wonder where she gets that?) and a bit of a stubborn streak, but it all revolves around discovery and exploration. She delights in taking off daddy's glasses and grabbing the paper to "read". She does love books (to read as well as eat) and enjoys bouncing in her Exesaucer.
More photos will be on the side which will include Halloween and some of her new skills.
Stay tuned for more next month!!

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