Friday, March 26, 2010

Almost 14 Months

Julia has had a few more milestones in the last two months - the two videos above show you a little of what she's up to right about now. The first video is of her mastering stair climbing, which this particular video is her fourth trip up (the first two had pauses and a stop, the third trip was about 30 seconds before this one and she went straight to the top - no pauses). Coming down . . .we're not to that point yet, but that is ok. You will notice that at the top of the stairs she stretches out and peeks around the corner, very cautiously, This has a lot to do with Kennedy and I playing chase and hide and seek with her and jumping out when she rounds the corner - of course, she thinks it's funny as all get out, but is still prepared for the surprise.
The second video is of Julia doing what she's been doing for awhile - walking with her hand on something. In this particular shot, she's being very cavalier about it, nonchalantly stepping around the exesaucer and talking to herself. You will also note that she gets close a few times to taking a step without holding on to anything, but (as usual) she then drops down and takes off in a crawl. The final thing to notice is that she completely ignores me when I ask her what she is doing while tearing apart the DVDs; this is not an accident - she has already learned to tune me out! :-)
Otherwise, Julia's fighting a double ear infection that she's had for three weeks now; the first round of antibiotics didn't work, so we're onto round two. She's holding on ok, but it's tough to see her have to deal with it. In other news, she now has at least three more teeth, including her third molar, that I discovered last night when she allowed me to examine her gum and then bit me (ha ha - I guess I should have known). She's a toothy one! She also is very funny, finding humor in many things (oh, like farting, weird screeching, people pretending to fall down - stuff like that); she has wonderful laughs, including the evil little laugh she uses when she splashes me with bath water.

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