Friday, October 29, 2010

Twenty One Months

Ok, for the record, I know I've been a bit lax about updates. I apologize and will do my best to keep you up to date on what's going on with Julia. So, it seems I have about 3 months to catch up on! Let's see . . .

Well, because she doesn't have to do doctor visits as often, I can't tell you how much she weighs or how tall she is in comparison to her 18 month checkup, but I CAN tell you that she definitely weighs more (especially when asleep and we're carrying her to bed) and is much taller - for example, when we bought her Halloween costume in August we got it big and thought that it would probably still be a bit big on her when Trick or Treat time came around - WRONG! It just about didn't fit, she had grown that much! Although on the plus side, she was a little uncertain about her costume when we first got it; last night (Beggar's Night in Columbus) she was all about being a bear. She got the biggest smile when she put it on and growled and took a swipe with her paws - it was adorable!

She was moved up into the toddler class about six weeks ago. This has been a matter for concern for dad and I because her former class was small and we had seen a lot of development there - the new class has a ton of little guys who are very rowdy, so we were worried that she would be overwhelmed; we have seen a definite upsurge in separation anxiety at drop off (as well as a very enthusiastic greeting when we do pick up), but otherwise, she seems to be fine. The teachers report that she is very smart - she knows her animals and their noises (we do this a lot at home) and is very big on reading. Many times, at pick up, we'll see her sitting in her little area quietly reading a book, even though the other kids are going ape bananas all around her - she's pretty much our kid alright. Below is a photo of her with one of her favorite "toys", daddy's iPad (or mommy's, depending on which is available at the moment) - there are a number of programs that teach alphabet and have read aloud books which she uses constantly (along with the other more fun diversions of Pocket God and fishing - go figure).

At last post she was starting to get into walking more. Well, that's old news. She's walking very confidently, including making the transition between sidewalk and uneven ground. Oh, and running, especially when I say, "You come here!" She loves to be chased :-) She doesn't mind being carried around, but will definitely let you know when she's ready to get moving on her own (which is most of the time).

Julia is big into talking as well - she's good at repeating things (thanks, Big Sissy, for teaching her the word "crap" last week) but is very adept at saying words on her own. she is constantly saying things as a way of reinforcing her knowledge - for example, several times a day she will point to her blanket (which is a constant companion) and say "blankie". But also "daddy", "mama", "sissy" and a host of other words - animals, things of interest, you name it. She's also pretty good at "no", "done" and "down". She can sing, too - "Baa Baa Black Sheep" is a particular favorite and adorable to hear (and see), but unfortunately I haven't caught it on video. Yet.
So, that's the update - Steven and I will do better at keeping it up to date. In fact, I may ask him to fill in what I've forgotten, which is probably a lot considering how much she's done in the last three months!

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