Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Obligatory First Post

Some people start blogs like this the minute they think they're pregnant, others wait a bit to get some news, but people like me - well, we wait until we can figure out how to do this blog thing. A word of warning: don't expect anything over-the-top-firecrackers-shooting-out-of-your-keister fantastic; hormonal fluctuations will play havoc with my patience and ability to navigate the technical waters of the more advanced blog professional.

That having been said, here are the details concerning this blog, why it's here and the people behind it:
  • Blogtastic Smiseck Baby is a blog site dedicated to the newest soon-to-be addition to our family; we're the Smisecks (Wendy, Steven and big sister Kennedy). For those who aren't aware of the name origin, it is Slovak, is pronounced "Smee-sheck", and means "smiling one" (pretty aprospo considering the general happiness factor in the household).
  • Not everyone is internet inclined (believe it or not, we have relatives who require snail-mail announcement - *gasp*), but for those who are, they have requested a blog; maybe it's becuase they don't want ultrasound photos clogging up their e-mail. I don't know.
  • The players: Steven (the dad unit), Wendy (the mom unit), Kennedy (the older sib unit and step-child to Steven), and Flipper Gibbous (the fetus unit - more on the name later).
So, there it is - a first entry and a teaser of info. Hopefully, the continuing development of this blog will be not only informational, but educational and entertaining as well. Feel free to comment or just look at it and wonder at the awesome skills I have attained in learning to blog.

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