Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Specifics

Flipper Gibbous, a moniker to give us something to call the baby besides "the baby", is Flipper because all little guys start out with flippers and Gibbous because Steven is an Astronomy geek (plus, it just sounds cool - now I dare you to look it up).
Anyway, Flipper has gone through a few due dates: February 11, February 15, and now February 13 - the last two due to changes after ultrasound measurements (and how they know that Flipper is five and then two days behind original estimates is a complete mystery). The last date is kind of funny; February 13th is my brother's birthday, but it also happens to be Friday the 13th in 2009, a significant factor in that Steven was born on Friday the 13th and considers it quite lucky. I will consider myself lucky if I make it that long.
The most recent ultrasound (9/24) was very cool so wait for a hot minute because the photos should be up soon - things are looking good and we found out that we have a girl! It was neat for us because Kennedy and Steven's mom was there and it was great to share the experience with them; we've seen Flipper moving around before, but it was especially cool to see her doing her thing in front of big sis and Nana (well, that and she's much bigger now - oooo and she has finger and toe bones!). She wasn't as active as last time (thankfully, because it made taking the measurements easier), but she did do a really awesome karate kick, open and close her mouth, and move her hands around. She also tired of the attention, and like the apes at the zoo, turned her back when she was done with us. I could have watched her all day - in fact, when the technologist left and we were waiting on the doc, I was half tempted to play with the machine to look at what I wanted to see, instead of what the doc wanted to see; fortunately, the voice of reason stepped in before the doctor did - otherwise I would have been standing there like a kid with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar with a bystanding peanut gallery giving pointers. Still, it was a good day - we're happy, saw a healthy baby, and now have to get serious with girl names.


Michele said...

Emily! Katherine! (To be called Kate.) Oh, um, sorry, just my favorites. ;D --Missy

Auburn-Haired Goddess said...

Hey Miss! Katherine is already in the running (and yes, to be called Kate), so thanks for your input. Maybe if I'm industrious I'll figure out how to do a voting thingy.

Unknown said...

Be careful with those ultrasounds - you might just get a "waxing gibbous moon"!

Did a Google search on "gibbous" and came across this quote:

"The bones will rise, and make a gibbous member." --Wiseman.

Is it just me or does that sound wrong?

TeeTee said...

Ye, RL, that does sound wrong! Still, I'm gonna have to remember that quote