Monday, October 20, 2008


There are a lot of nice, fuzzy things about pregnancy - the fact that you're growing a new little being and knowing that in a matter of months you'll be holding a sweet, naked little pinkish thingy (to paraphrase "Babe: Pig in the City") can give you a pretty big lift. You'll hear people talk about this stuff all the time. What people don't often talk about are the things that, upon reading them, you think, "Oh, that's not a big deal - stuffy noses are mere child's play". Having forgotten these minor irritations, I am now remembering some of the less nice and fuzzy aspects of pregnancy that are rearing their heads - I will, however, spare you the somewhat icky or more personal aspects in my list of what I am now missing as a part of my pregnancy journey. Please note that this does not mean that I am not enjoying the experience - merely recalling fondly some of the abilities or indulgences that after about five months now I am realizing I am doing without.

Things I miss:
  • my feet
  • lying on my stomach
  • an un-stuffy nose
  • lifting things that I know I am capable of lifting
  • getting out of bed or off of a chair or the floor without making it into a production of "Cirque du Soleil"
  • wine with dinner
  • being able to ignore (or at least tolerate) many smells
  • the ability to speak articulately
  • control of my gastronomic desires
  • not being winded after walking upstairs
  • memory longer than a nanosecond
  • some of the foods I really used to groove on but now have no taste for (see "control of gastronomic desires")
  • sleeping through the night without having to get up to pee at least twice

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