Monday, November 17, 2008

Hormonal Rant: Opus One

It was going to happen sooner or later - something was going to set me off. Many of you know that I have this "thing" about Christmas advertising and whatnot occurring before Thanksgiving, but today I reached a zenith in my explode-o-meter over the subject - thankfully no one was hurt, seeing as how I saved it for the car. While waiting for my food order during lunch today (yes, it was healthy - except for the Cheetos), listening to some God-awful rendition of "Do You Hear What I Hear", I realized that I had been subjected to Christmas music and advertising since November 1st - that's 17 days of holiday harassment and at the time, we still weren't through the two month long election harassment, which is why this snuck up on me. Next thing you know, we'll be hearing Christmas music in October - I want to know what clown thought it was a good idea to start the whole shebang early, completely ignoring the fact that there's a perfectly good holiday sandwiched very nicely between Halloween and Christmas. And no, I'm not talking about the Mexican Day of the Dead, although that is a pretty cool holiday. Veteran's day is also awesome, but it's mostly commemorated by only some people getting off of work (which doesn't include me - note to self: find potential employer who gives more holidays off) and going to big sales. I'm talking about Turkey Day, Thanksgiving - which now is the biggest shopping day before Christmas for many people, not the day after. Oh, if only our forefathers could see us now, dissing a holiday based on the idea of sharing and togetherness in order to get the best deal on BlueRay players and passing out while watching the Lions getting their butts handed to them. Actually, I made that sound pretty good . . .

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