To all of those dads out there who kept telling me, “Just wait until you feel the baby kick,” thanks. I get it now. Ultrasound pictures and feeling the “baby bump” are one thing, but feeling your child move – well, that makes it all the more real and wonderful. Up to that moment, there are times when you wonder if she is really in the womb. You contemplate how two small particles can come together, and, trillions of genetic events later, produce a living, loving being. Then, you feel a kick, and suddenly you are possessed by the miracle that is your growing child.
I’ve not felt her move since, but, on Sunday, Wendy and I watched as her stomach pulsed up and down for a while. It was so cool to see this happening, and to wonder what the baby was up to. I like to think she was tapping her feet to some Beatles or ELO tune, but who knows. She may have just had gas. Later that evening, I put my mouth down on Wendy’s tummy and started talking to Flipper. It was the weirdest thing, as we saw the opposite side of the stomach push out. Don’t know if she was trying to get away from the old man or what, but it was just amazing.
One thing is for certain, we have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.
We wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving, too.
1 comment:
Love your comments about your baby and your wife -- starts my holiday off with a bang!
Hi Wendy!
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