Monday, December 15, 2008

60 Days

Yep, sixty days left - at least until February 13th. According to the poll, a majority seem to think it'll be 61 days. We will see, won't we . . .
Friday's appointment went well; heartbeat at a healthy 140 and she's moving around as she sees fit; still transverse for the most part and thumping my left side when she's happy or annoyed (I can never tell for sure). Sometimes she seems to tap in an area - I noticed this the other night when I was trying to get back to sleep after a mid-evening bathroom break; I was lying on my right side, which appears to be where her head is, and she just started tapping in one place, over and over. it wasn't like the usual kick or stretch - this was definite tapping, like she was saying, "Ok, mom - make me stand on my head; I'll annoy you until you roll over." I believe it worked.
Flipper got to listen to big sister play at her band recital last week (for the record, Kennedy did exceptionally well). She either really likes or really hates trumpets because she would seem to react to trumpet sound. Drum sound, not so much, contrary to what you would think. I was doing some reacting to the reed-squeaking clarinet playing that seemed to dominate much of the proceedings, but she seemed ok with it. Maybe this means that she is not easily startled and pretty easy-going.
The diabetic thing is going ok - the doc seemed pleased with the results of the drug she prescribed and felt that my blood levels were pretty good. I expressed some irritation with holiday food and what it does to my system but she was pretty cool about it. I guess things are ok. That helps to justify making and eating brownies last night - of course, these were for a school assignment, so they had to be co-made with Kennedy as well as tested for quality control. As a result, my levels are just fine today - see, I've learned how to behave within the confines of my limits (for the most part - ask me about the Pop-Tart experiment). Now to get through the rest of the holiday season without going berserk!

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