Friday, December 26, 2008

Belated Merry Christmas!

Despite my best efforts to have a couple of really cool posts prior to Christmas, nothing has gone up until today - oh well; that's just the way it goes. I forget many times just how much I can do before wearing out. Case in point, last Monday when I ran like a crazy person all day doing last minute stuff and was rewarded with an extremely sore body and a grumpy me. Of course, my other reward was a very patient and understanding spouse with a back rub. I do love that man . . .
Santa came to our house, regardless of how bad I was this year - of course, we did make him home-made sugar cookies, so that might have helped. Flipper scored some really cool stuff: a pair of slippers that look like duck feet and say "Flipper Slippers" (these are definitely going to the hospital with us), a Pooh outfit, onesie, hat and such (also going in with us), and a baby massage book (which was actually for dad, but the lucky recipient of said massage is you-know-who).
We have been bummed because we haven't been able to make the trip to northern Indiana yet - the weekend right before Christmas there was an awful ice storm up there, so we'll be headed up this weekend to visit with the rest of the family; hopefully I won't have to make too many bathroom breaks along the way!
December 24th was our most recent checkup with another on the heels on January 5th. Seems like time is going by so fast and it doesn't help when the appointments are two weeks apart (What? It's been a month already?!?!? Oh wait . . .). Anyhoo, things are looking good for Flipper - she's growing well (and how) and heartbeat is a steady 140 again. My blood pressure was just a teensy bit elevated (or at least elevated for me, seeing as how the levels were still within normal range), so I'm having to check the old ticker pipes this week to see how things are going; might be all the swell holiday food getting me all excited. Anyway, we'll let you know after the 5th what is up.
Hope everyone had a great holiday!!!!!!!

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