Tuesday, October 14, 2008

At 22 weeks, impersonating Julie Andrews atop Mt. Jeez near Malabar Farm State Park in Richland County, Ohio.
We took a mini family vacation this weekend to enjoy the fall colors, celebrate Steven's birthday, and get in touch with nature. Mmmmm, nature. We did a lot of tromping around!
If you're ever in the neighborhood of Richland/Ashland County, check out the farm, stay at a castle, do some leaf peeping, and visit a prison (which unfortunately we could not do due to haunted house age restrictions - yes, I am too young).

Our monthly checkup went off without a hitch yesterday (10/13); doc (Kim Shepherd) says things look good and reiterated that recent tests indicated that all was well. She did admit to laughing when she saw the report that Flipper was a girl; Kim was predicting a boy and told us a story about her own prediction woes with her three boys. Otherwise, Flipper is still playing hide and seek with daddy and Kennedy gained the distinction of having lost the last of her baby teeth yesterday while at the dentist's office. I, on the other hand, gained the distinction of having a small, molar cavity, but at least my teeth are clear of granite boulders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look just like Julie Andrews. I was so amazed.