Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Doin' the Civic Duty

Today is a pretty significant day in American history, and we've done our civic duty. It's rather sobering to think about the outcome of today - the new president and vice-president will barely have been sworn in when Flipper is born. These people will be integrated into her own personal history, and what's so . . .interesting, amazing, sobering, or what have you - is that Flipper will never have known a time when there hadn't been a non-Caucasian or a female in the White House. Isn't that something? From the get-go of her life, things will be different in our country and I think that's pretty cool. I hope you all played a part in making your voice known.
And one more thing - at least the TV ads and automated phone calls will be OVER, no matter what the outcome! If my write-in plan works, it'll be Gumby and Pokey . . .
Never the less, no matter what side of the "fence" you play on, remember to be civil, to value and respect one another, and to appreciate the differences - they are what make us truly . . .human.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well spoken mom unit
